Top 5 Most Underrated Social Media Marketing Strategy To Success

Social media is fun, unique and easy to communicate with. However, there is a lot of stuff you need to consider before carrying out your effective and outstanding social media marketing strategy. Many strategies are similar, but a few bring little success for the time and effort it takes. Here are my Top 5 social […]


April 20, 2023

Social media is fun, unique and easy to communicate with. However, there is a lot of stuff you need to consider before carrying out your effective and outstanding social media marketing strategy.

Many strategies are similar, but a few bring little success for the time and effort it takes. Here are my Top 5 social media strategies, which have garnered little praise yet resulted in great success.

1. Quora for Social Media Marketing Strategy

A mini grocery cart filled with small carton boxes labeled with grocery carts too while being on top of a laptop to represent marketing.

Quora is a fantastic platform for conducting market research. It's a community-driven site where people ask questions and get answers from experienced individuals. Use Quora to discover new trends and topics related to your business.

The site has millions of users with different backgrounds, so finding an expert in your industry is easy. It would help if you used Quora to scope new trends and topics related to your business. 

You can also see what people are talking about in your niche, which will give you ideas for content creation or ways to improve your existing content.

Ways to use Quora for social media marketing strategy

  • Learn about the industry you plan to launch in
  • Explore what people are asking about your product
  • Learn more about potential customers
  • Gain insights into customer problems and needs
  • Look for branding ideas
  • Identify your competitors

2. LinkedIn is Not Just for Job Hunting

Two people; one holding LinkedIn's logo and the other one holding a magnifying glass while there's a giant phone in the middle as strategize a social media marketing strategy for LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has become the go-to social media platform for professionals of all types, but most people need to realize that you can also use it to market your business.

It is one of the most underrated social media platforms on the internet. It may be because it's not as flashy as other sites, but it's an excellent tool for marketers.

The platform gives you a massive pool of potential clients, customers and employees. LinkedIn is great for networking and building relationships with people interested in what you do and can help you grow your business.

Ways to use LinkedIn for social media marketing strategy

  • Post an article on LinkedIn.
  • Review and update your profile regularly.
  • Join LinkedIn groups relevant to your business.
  • Create a business page or company page on LinkedIn.
  • Conduct research using LinkedIn's advanced search feature.
  • Connect with influencers and ask them to share your content.

3. Stick to platform-specific content

An animated illustration of people holding their phones while social media platforms and figures of people are connected like a network.

According to, if you want to be successful with your social media marketing strategy, you need to know what content works best on each platform.

There is a lot of debate over this topic, but the overwhelming opinion is that you should create unique content for each platform. This means that your Facebook posts, tweets and Google+ posts should be different from each other.

The reason why it's essential to create different content for each platform is that each one has its unique characteristics. For example, Twitter is fast-paced and short-form, while Facebook likes long-form content.

However, some individuals believe that it's okay to post the same thing on all platforms because they're just websites. But this isn't true because they're not all just websites — they are social networks that have their personalities and audiences!

Ways to use platform-specific content for social media marketing strategy

  • Facebook - Facebook is a great place to have a conversation, but only if you have something to say that's relevant.
  • Twitter - Twitter is an ideal platform for timely short bursts of content.
  • Instagram - Instagram is all about the image, so your posts should center on evocative visuals.
  • LinkedIn - LinkedIn is essential for B2B marketers, as it focuses on news and information related to your industry.
  • Pinterest - Pinterest users are ready to buy, looking for ideas, tips, and tricks.

4. Podcast Guest

A woman presenting in front of a camera while having a laptop, microphone, and audio mixers which are ideal equipment for video-based social media marketing strategy.

According to, a podcast is an audio or video file you can listen to on your phone, tablet or computer. The files are usually downloaded and listened to through an app like iTunes or Google Play Music. The term "podcast" comes from combining the words iPod and broadcast.

Podcasts are becoming more popular each day. It's no wonder that all the new shows are popping up weekly. Plenty of people need to learn what they are and how to use them effectively.

If you're looking for a way to get your name out there, consider doing a podcast guest spot. This is one of the most underrated social media marketing strategies to success.

Ways to use Podcast Guests for social media marketing strategy

  • Build a relationship with the host.
  • Produce a quality podcast.
  • Engage with listeners before and after your show.
  • Make non-competing mentions on other shows.
  • Expand Your Audience with Repurposing.
  • Use Quotes in Your social media marketing strategy
  • Add the podcast to your website and blog

5. Focus on community, not promotion

Am office environment with people working together in pairs and in solo as they are working in front of their desktops and laptops.

The most underrated social media marketing strategy is to focus on community building instead of simply promoting your brand or business.

Social media isn't just a platform where you post, tweet and update. It's where you can have conversations with customers and build relationships with them over time.

It's better to focus on building customer relationships through engagement with them through comments, likes and shares. 

They are more likely to buy from you if they know you personally rather than just thinking of you as another business trying to sell something to them.

There are a million ways you can use social media to market your business and get new customers. Still, to stand out from the crowd, you must focus on building a community rather than promoting yourself.

Ways to use community, not a promotion for social media marketing strategy

  • Make sure your social media posts are genuinely helpful to your followers.
  • Avoid posting too many self-promotional messages.
  • Post about events, news and resources in the industry.
  • Respond to comments and questions on your posts.
  • Share valuable content from other people and organizations.
  • Be engaged with the community by liking, sharing, etc., content posted by others.

About Adshifu

You might be running a business and trying to keep up with your competitors, but you're still new to social media marketing. You know it's essential to stay in touch with customers and potential customers, but you must learn how to do it well.

You often overlook many things when it comes to social media marketing. That's why a social media marketing expert would greatly help your business.

Adshifu is a digital marketing agency that offers services in social media management, SEO and web design. We provide affordable yet high-quality services to businesses of all sizes worldwide.

Our team of experts will provide you with the best digital marketing solutions so that you can start seeing results immediately.


You may think you don't need social media; however, when it comes to marketing your business, it will be your best friend. Social Media Marketing is one of the best ways to find a new customer or grow your business.

The future is online, and connecting with people online will get results you never expected. And while social media marketing is an unknown avenue to many small businesses, it's essential to appreciate the significance of this powerhouse in the world of marketing and advertising.

While it can sometimes seem like a mere trend, it's clear that the impact of social media on the business world will only continue to grow stronger with time.


What is the best social media marketing strategy?

The best social media marketing strategy fits your business goals, target market and budget. It's essential to evaluate what you're trying to accomplish and how much time you have available before deciding on a course of action.

What are the top 3 best practices for social marketing?

1. Focus on the Audience, Not the Platforms

2. Create Content People Will Care About

3. Understand How to Measure Success

What are the 5 C's of social media?

The interconnected components' Coordinates, Channels, Content, Connections, and Corrections are used to create a practical approach.

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